When I got an iPhone this summer I wasted a bunch of time playing the smurf game. After a couple weeks I switched tactics and tried to get inside the game. Thats how I play games against the computer, I get inside its head! I wasn’t able to find an easy way to get more smurf berries- you are supposed to pay real money for those. But I was able to tease out the stories and challenges. Here are two sets. SPOILER ALERT!!!
I was so CLOSE to catching those annoying little Smurfs! Mraow? I even found the location of their village, but they all escaped into the forest before I could capture them! Now I’ll have to start all over again! Mrrrooowwwwwll….. Oh, quiet! You could use the exercise.
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! Oh, thank goodness! One of my little Smurfs… Where are all the others? When Gargamel caught us by surprise, we ran into the forest… but in the excitement we got separated. They must still be wandering in the forest! We can’t go back to the village in case Gargamel is waiting for us, but if we start building a new village, the other Smurfs will surely find their way here. Let’s get started!
I’m going to miss our old village, Papa Smurf. Our Smurfy home is where the heart is, my little one. And our home is wherever we’re together! I can only hope that my little Smurfs will start to find their way back to me soon, but they’re going to need a place to sleep and feel at home. We should start building houses for them as soon as possible. Papa Smurf! I found some Smurfberries! What luck! A few Smurfberries will help us get our work done quickly indeed.
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! I just heard a loud boom in the forest and what sounded like laughter! Hehe, well I bet I know just who that is! We’ll need to send a Smurf out of the village to find Jokey Smurf before he gets himself in trouble!
I’m telling you, Papa Smurf, I smell something! It smells tasty, whatever it is. Well, I’m sure if we follow our noses, we’ll discover the source..
Hullo! Thank Smurfs I found you! I was starting to run out of cupcakes. Welcome back, Greedy!
Well, my deep intellect simply cannot function without the aid of a tasty confection. If you want my advice, we should build a bakery right away! I’m already hungry just thinking about it!
It’s getting kinda crowded around here, Papa Smurf! I can’t hear myself think! I know, I know, Brainy. But the rivers nearby are going to make things difficult. The time has come, my Smurfs, to build a bridge across the river!
I need some serious lab time to research my spell. Can any of you help me keep Gargamel busy for a while? How about something with strawberries, Papa Smurf? Strawberries are his favorite! You can put a spell on them.
Brilliant! Let’s grow some strawberries. Then you can make him some cupcakes. When they’re done I’ll cast a forgetfulness spell on them and we’ll send them to Gargamel! Mmmmm! Sounds like a delicious plan!
What’s this? A package? It must be another package from mummy, trying to persuade me to try her wretched cooking… Well, I’d better try these cupcakes or I’ll never hear the end of it! Mrawl! Why, these aren’t bad! Wait…what was I doing again? Ah well, at least I’ll be well nourished! Mmmrow!
Those loathsome little Smurfs are building up a storm! I can hear their annoying little happy voices! Mrow! I know what I’ll do, I’ll turn all the trees to stone! Bahaha! Hahaha!
Golly, all these wonderful trees are getting awfully hard! Timber Smurf! Thank goodness we found you! It looks like Gargamel is up to no good. We need to store up some wood, and fast. I’d normally fancy taking my time getting wood, but this sounds like an emergency. I’d hate to see perfectly good trees turned to stone. But we’re not out of the woods yet, first we’re going to need my timber mill! The other Smurfs can help with that while I see about reversing Gargamel’s spell..
Phew! Thank you, my little Smurfs. We harvested enough wood to give me time to reverse Gargamel’s spell, returning the trees to their proper, wooden state. Thank goodness! I don’t fancy the idea of trying to chop down trees made of stone.
Oh, Papa Smurf… some baby rabbits lost their mother! They need some food to survive. Why don’t we grow some carrots for them, then?
Hey! I know you! You’re.. Timber Smurf! Well actually, no. Hefty Smurf? You’re Hefty Smurf, right? No… Farmer Smurf? NO!
Wait a minute, wait a minute.. clearly, this is Gargamel impersonating a Smurf, why else would he have a wand behind his ear? Hehe, Brainy, I think that’s a pencil. It’s Handy Smurf!
Correct! Boy am I glad to get back to work! When can I start? I want this village looking snappy! Well, first of all you’re going to need a workshop, or it might be a little hard to get anything done, hehe.
Hmm, some of the forest animals have been trampling and eating the crops and flowers. Papa Smurf always says “foresmurfed is forearmed.” According to MY research, we should construct a series of standing barriers made with wooden boards. You mean a fence? Sure, in laysmurf terms, you COULD call it that.
More footprints in the crops and flowers.. wait, these are Smurf prints! Yes, it seems Smurfs can be as bad as the forest animals when it comes to stepping on things. It might help if we lay down some paths for everyone, Papa Smurf. Right you are, my young Smurf.
What is that awful noise? I came out here for some peace and quiet so I could work on my autobiography! Ooooh when Smurfy eyes are smilin’, sure ’tis like a morn in spring.. Will you stop that infernal racket! Faith and Begorrah! I thought fer sure I’d be wanderin’ the forest alone for all eternity. I’ve never spent so much time away from diggin’ in all me life!
Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, Miner Smurf! We’re going to need all the help we can get to rebuild this village. All I need is a good light on me head, and a pick in me hands! You’ll surely be wantin’ to be diggin’ a new mine so I can get back to me work, though.
I’ve created my most powerful item ever- this helmet will allow me to discover more intimately how a Smurf thinks- and then I can discover the location of their village! Ya!
I have a feeling Gargamel is up to something- send one Smurf out of the village for one day to spy on Gargamel.
Hi there, Gargamel! Well, how are you smurfing, my little friend? I’m smurfing very well, Gargamel. Can I borrow your hat? I need it for something. Why certainly, anything for a fellow Smurf! Papa Smurf always says, “Smurf and smurf alike” Here you go. Thanks! See ya! Oh no! That Smurf tricked me!
Well, that’s a relief. Hehe I guess Gargamel underestimated the power of Smurfy thinking.
Achoo! Aaaachoo! Achoooooo! Oh dear, it seems we have an epidemic of Smurf Flu going around! I know just the thing to fix it too- pea soup should do the trick! Plant and harvest some peas so these Smurfs can get back on their feet.
If you ask me, we should hit him on the head to make him forget he was here! Somebody should hit YOU on the head!
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! We just saw Azrael in the forest- his foot is caught under a tree! He’s just outside the village! Oh dear, this is a predicament. I vote we just leave him there. Well first of all, Azrael is a living creature who is in trouble, and second of all, if he escapes he’ll surely lead Gargamel straight back to our village. Or he’ll eat us.
Now, now, I think Brainy’s onto something. Of course I am! I need to make a sleeping potion- when Azrael wakes up from it, he’ll be home and he won’t remember a thing.
I’m glad that’s over with- Azrael will be none the wiser!
Great Smurfs! What is that awful stench! It’s us Papa Smurf… My word, it’s been a good many years since I’ve seen Smurfs so thoroughly sprayed by a skunk!
What do we do, Papa Smurf? The only cure for this is tomato juice- grow and harvest a crop of tomatoes, pronto! Before the smell drives us to distraction!
Thank Smurfs that’s over with! I’m glad my little Smurfs are back to normal.
I’ve got it! I’ve got the perfect spell for keeping our village hidden. But I’m missing a few ingredients… Where’s my nutmeg? Umm… I uh, kind of BORROWED it for one of my recipes, Papa Smurf. Greedy, what’s the second rule of Smurfdom? “Don’t go into Papa Smurf’s lab without permission…” Correct! Now go… do the dishes!
Thank you, my little Smurfs. I’ll have to start hiding my spice rack, so hungry Smurfs won’t steal my ingredients.
I’ve discovered my spell needs only three more elements to be complete- but the elements are written in my spellbook in the form of riddles! See if you can figure each of these out and add them to the village: Riddle #1: “I may seem tough, I may seem dry, but beneath the surface I make you cry. What am I?” Hint: It’s a crop.
Correct! Onions was the correct answer! One down, two to go!
Here’s Riddle #2: This is a room that has no floor, no walls, no windows, and also no door. What is it? Hint: It’s a placeable item.
That was a tough one! Mushroom.. I never would have thought of it myself, hehe.
Now for Riddle #3: Many foods can make me strong, but give me water and I won’t live long. What am I?” Hint: It’s a placeable item.
A fire! Well now, who knew I had such clever Smurfs? I did, Papa Smurf! I knew it all the time!
Well, my little Smurfs.. I’m very proud of how you’ve built up the village! Now it’s time to do my part and finish casting my cloaking spell! Delenit qui feugait sit aliquip minim aliquam! Cover this village and keep it hidden!
Drat! It’s become even more difficult to find their blasted village! But I’ll get them someday! Bwahahahaha! Hahaha!
Hey, Brainy, I’m so happy to see you again; I’ve brought you a surprise! Why, thank you, Jokey! You always were a generous friend!
BLAM! Hehehehe! I retract my previous statement.
Now, now, Brainy… Jokey’s just showing that he’s happy to see you in his own way. I’m sure next time the gift will be something nice.
Hey Brainy- what do you plant when you want electricity? What? A currant bush! Ha! Isn’t that funny? I knew that! Electricity is one of my favourite subjects! Uh, actually it was just.. oh nevermind. Well the best science is through experimentation- let’s plant some blackcurrant!
Get it now? Currant? Current? Get it? Of course I get it, Jokey! Naturally, I was just pretending I didn’t know to get the better of you!
My little Smurfs, I’ve just received word that a new king is being crowned! And we’ve been invited to contribute something to the coronation! I love parties, Papa Smurf! So many opportunities for tasty treats and snacks! Are you going to contribute some cakes or cookies, Greedy? Sorry Papa Smurf, but I think I’ve saturated that market. Besides, I wanna try something different. Like what? Like artichoke hearts! Hehe I haven’t tried those in centuries. What a wonderful idea! Let’s grow some artichokes for Greedy’s recipe.
I wish I could prove to Papa Smurf that I’m ready to be his apprentice full-time.. I know! I’ll try to help him with his cloaking spell. But I’ll need some ingredients- mix me a purple potion! So Brainy wants to help with my experiments, eh? Mix a purple potion for him and we’ll see if he learns his lesson.
Look Papa Smurf! I think I’ve manufactured the ingredient you need!
BLAM! Brainy.. what’s the first rule of Smurfdom? “No casting spells on your own..” Correct! Now clean up my lab!
Hiccup! Hiccup! I feel weird Papa Smurf… Why is your face turning greenish-blue? I drank some bad juice and now I have a tummy ache… Well, this is what happens when you drink too much juice! Some vegetables should fix you up. We should plant some nutritious Brussels sprouts, right away. Awww, but Papa Smurf, I hate Brussels sprouts! A balanced diet is about more than just taste, my little Smurf.
Papa Smurf! I can’t see the Smurf on my face when it’s night time around here! There IS a lack of adequate lighting, isn’t there? What do you suggest? I think we need to add a lamp post before somebody smurfs into the bushes in the middle of the night!
Other Smurfs keep trampling on my flowers! I can’t sleep because there’s too much noise!
It’s still too crowded!
I know what we can do; how about I upgrade some of the houses and make them bigger? Then we can save space! That’s a marvelous idea, Handy. Let’s Smurf some renovations!
Finally, I’ve created an item that will surely throw the Smurfs into chaos… a silence scroll! All they have to do is say the magic word, and they’ll be silent as church mice… and they won’t be able call for help if we catch them! Mrowwl!
Hey look, I found a scroll in the forest! What does it say? It says: “What runs, but never gets tired?” Oh, that’s an old riddle. It’s easy, the answer is water! Mmmph! What’s wrong? Why are you- mmph mmph? Mmmph!
Well, it was a grueling day, but I finally got some research done. Time for some fresh air- great Smurfs! Why are all my little children so silent? Mmmph! Mmmph! This looks like the work of a silence scroll. All I need to do is say the magic word again, but they can’t tell me what it is!
What a wonderful job you’re doing with the crops! However, I always say “Don’t count your chickens before they are Smurfed.” I bet we can work even harder! Let’s see what we can do with all these new artichoke seeds!
Papa Smurf always says “Don’t put the cart before the Smurf.” I’m sorry, but I believe you mean “Don’t put the Smurf before the horse.” I’m pretty sure I had it right the first time. I’m pretty sure you didn’t… Hmmf! HMMF!
I’m sorry, but I’m very busy. Can’t you just agree to disagree? Why can’t you say “Don’t put the Smurf before the Smurf?” But that doesn’t make any sense! My little Smurfs, you’re acting like humans- I want you to be cooperative. Here, I want you each to plant some flowers as a peace offering. Okay…
Some mysterious character just placed an order for a blueberry cake. I don’t know who he is, but I always enjoy getting new customers! Let’s bake this cake and see what happens!
Somebody threw a cake at me when I was sleeping! Me too!
Don’t look at me; I’d never waste a cake! Well, we just can’t let someone Smurf his fellow Smurfs while they Smurf…
I’ll get to the bottom of this! Hmmm….this cake appears to be blackberry… It’s blueberry. I knew that! I was just testing you!
There seems to be a lot of congestion on the bridge- and we’ll need a bigger bridge to cross the other river! I agree… we’d better start quickly though, because it could take a while.
Another mysterious smurfy character just placed an order for a strawberry cake! Well, I’m sure it was just a freak accident the last time. Besides, strawberry cakes are one of my favorite recipes!
I got smurfed in my sleep with delicious strawberry cake! Me too! This is rather peculiar.
Wow! The orders just keep rolling in! This time it’s a cherry cake. I wonder who will get smurfed next?
I can’t believe it! I got smurfed with my own cake while I was sleeping! Sure does taste good though…hey, wait a second…this cake contains traces of…gunpowder! My taste buds don’t lie! Gunpowder, eh? Jokey…
I was wondering when somebody would catch on, ahyuck! Now really, this is getting out of hand. Funny, but out of hand.
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! Jokey just gave me ANOTHER exploding box- he’s going to too far! Calm down Brainy, maybe we can put his talents to use. Jokey, I want you to get the biggest box you can find.
Sure thing, Papa Smurf! I’ll mix up an invisibility potion. Take this special stone and hide it in the box. We’ll send it to Gargamel! Once this stone is planted in his lab, we can keep track of what he’s planning.
Blast it! Another package? I refuse to continue eating Mummy’s cooking…simply refuse! RRaaarrr! But it appears to be empty! Those annoying little Smurfs must be playing a childish prank on this destitute wizard! Here Azrael, I’m sure you can put this box to some use. Mrowl?
Drat! There isn’t a crumb of food to be had in the entire forest. At this rate, I’ll be scraping the moss off the rocks next! Rrrowl! Too bad those disgusting little Smurfs are protected by Papa Smurf’s magic…but wait! I’ll just bet their crops aren’t! I’ll create a spell to spirit away their precious crops and put them in my pot!
So Gargamel wants to take our crops? Maybe we should play a little joke on him and plant something large and heavy, while I undo his spell. Plant some pumpkins and see if Gargamel can handle THOSE in his pot. Hehe.
Ah, my mouth is watering already! What’s this? Gah, my pot exploded! I hate pumpkins!
Hey Brainy, I read your new book and I liked it so much, I decided to bring you a surprise! Why thank you Jokey, you always did have good taste!
Your taste is terrible, actually.
I need a new plan to distract those infernal Smurfs, so I can find them once and for all! Let’s take a look at my collection…Sandman’s Drowsing Dust! This is perfect. I’ll throw some dust to the westward wind and blanket their village with enough dust to make them permanently drowsy!
Papa Smurf, I can’t seem to sleep… Me neither Papa Smurf. *yawn* But I’m so TIRED…
Oh dear! Gargamel’s using a difficult magic to counteract- this could take me all day *yawn*, and the spell has already started to take effect! The only way we can fix this is if a Smurf that wasn’t here when the spell was cast makes the potion.
How do those rotten little Smurfs keep finding out my plans? Mrraaawwl? That infernal empty box? Perhaps it isn’t really empty? Inula infinita! Aha! A spying stone…
Uh oh, looks like Gargamel’s found us out! We’re going to have to be extra careful from now on. I really need to finish my cloaking spell!
I need to find that Smurf Village, or I’ll go mad! I’ll build a flying machine and fly overhead- they’ll never think to watch the skies! Bahaha! Mrahaha
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! Everything’s going all blurry…my glasses don’t seem to work anymore! Hmm…You’ve been doing far too much reading, Brainy. And you need to get more vitamins! All Smurfs could do with some more carrots in their diet to improve their eyesight.
It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! It’s…it’s…Gargamel??
Oh dear. Quickly my little Smurfs- hide! I’ll cast a temporary invisibility spell… it’s a good thing we improved our eyesight!
Now, now, calm down. What we need is to move some of these buildings around.
A local farmer wants us to help him, but he says he needs some “maize”- what’s maize? Smurfed if I know. Should we ask Papa Smurf? Papa Smurf’s busy in his lab and can’t be disturbed. Can we guess? I think we should guess.
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! We need your help! *sniff* *sniff* Yes, my little Smurf, I’ll get to it shortly. What’s wrong Papa Smurf? I was just thinking about my prized pet snail, Kevin. I lost him when we fled our old village. Did you know I had him for over 200 years? Really? Wow! He was my pet from the time I was just a little smurfling. Hey Papa Smurf- maybe we can find you a new snail? Could you? That would be wonderful! I miss Kevin, but it sure would be nice to have a snail around again.
Oh no! I can hear Gargamel coming- I’d better tell Papa Smurf…but he’s not here! I’ll try to head him off! Aha! A Smurf! I must be close to the village! I’m sorry, but that logic just doesn’t work. It doesn’t? No no…you see, any Smurf expert will tell you that deep-thinking Smurfs like me must seek peace and quiet away from the bustling village! I see. Well I’ll just have to settle for Smurf stew! Oh no no no. All the thinking I do has made me bitter tasting! You need to add one of those berries behind you… Very well… Confound it! He’s escaped!
I’m so hungry! If only I had a single, solitary morsel…a single Smurf!
Ah, it’s that time again- time to make a present for the king! What have you got for us this time, Greedy? This time, I plan on constructing my greatest masterpiece- a Smurf sculpture made entirely out of blueberries! But I’ll need a lot of them! How many?? I’m going to need 100 crops of blueberries!
Alright, time to transport this sculpture to the King. Now remember, it’s very delicate, so be careful! Don’t worry, I’ll be careful!
Yipe! Gargamel’s coming! I’d better hide behind this rock! Aha! A Smurf! And he’s paralyzed with fear! Uh oh… Got you! *squish* Yuck! What is this? Blueberry? Foiled again! Well, at least I can eat these blueberries while I’m here…
Rrrowwwl! Alright, alright you can have some too!
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! I’ve got a new invention. Me too, Papa Smurf.
My my, my little Smurfs are clever! Clearly nothing can surpass my brilliant invention, which will surely revolutionize Smurf living for days to come!
Well okay, if you say so Brainy. What’s your invention? It’s a time machine. A time machine?! Yes, it tells time! See, all you have to do is shine the sun on it and the shadow points to what time it is!
Brilliant! Actually, it’s just a sundial. They’ve existed for hundreds of years. Oh…
Well, can I help it if I think the same way as scholars before me? Err…let’s see what Handy invented.
I’ve invented a machine that lets you capture images and save them on pieces of parchment. Brilliant!
Wait a minute, don’t paintings already exist? They do, but these images are instant, and very detailed. I’ll believe it when I see it!
Well then, let’s try it out! Try taking an image of the village.
Oh no! I just walked under your ladder, Handy! So? That’s bad luck! I can’t bring bad luck on the village, that might mean Gargamel! Oh Brainy, that’s just an old Smurf’s tale. Well, I need some good luck just in case, and I need it quick!
Well, uh…how about a butterfly? Butterflies are good luck… Thanks Papa Smurf! I knew you’d come through!
You don’t really believe that, do you Papa Smurf? Hehe, sometimes a Smurf’s imagination is just as powerful as any magic. Let’s give Brainy a butterfly.
I miss Grouchy! Really? But he’s so sour! Oh, he’s not that bad. Besides, it’s kind of quiet around here without him.
I agree! The village just isn’t the same without Grouchy Smurf. I think we should go look for him. I need two volunteers. … Or, there are some windows that need washing here in the village. I’ll go!
Me too!
I HATE being lost!
What was that? I don’t know, but it sounded kind of hostile and threatening. Maybe we’ve disturbed the slumber of some Smurf-eating hibernating animal?
Grouchy! It’s such a relief to hear your voice again! I HATE hearing! But I’m glad I found you, Papa Smurf…
Hey Grouchy, how are you smurfing? I HATE Smurfing!
You look like you could use some cheering up, Grouchy. Want a present? I HATE presents!
Grouchy, I request that you cheer up! For once! According to “Brainy’s Basic Psychology”, the best cure for stress is a comforting and familiar environment.
I think some beautiful flowers are just what the doctor ordered! I HATE doctors!
How do you feel Grouchy? I HATE- I mean, I feel okay Papa Smurf.
What’s the matter Grouchy? You’re looking a little BLUE. So I thought I’d bring you a surprise! I HATE blue! Really?? No. Hahaha! So, do you want the surprise? I HATE surprises! Aww…
I HATE being unemployed. Hmm…well, I DO prefer my Smurfs to be busy little workers. How would you like to take on a job?
I could use some help in the bakery! That’s the idea! How do you feel about baking cookies Grouchy?
I HATE cookies! But I’ll take it…
You’re doing a great job Grouchy…but why do all the cupcakes have frowny faces on them? I like to express myself in my work. Okay…can’t you just have cherries? Cherries are much more cheerful! I HATE cheerful cherries! Maybe you should try a different job…
Okay, so we plant the crops, we water the crops, the crops grow, then we harvest the crops. You just stand here all day and water them? Pretty much! Smurfy isn’t it? I HATE Smurfy! Sometimes we make up songs, or discuss politics.
Grouchy, how about you try planting some artichokes, and then tell me what you think? Okay Papa Smurf…
Workin’ in the fields, is smurfy and fun, we’ll have yummy food when the work is all done… I HATE singing! Aww, c’mon Grouchy! Get in the spirit! I think I want to try something else Papa Smurf…
Now this internship is a VERY important position that needs to be taken seriously, and you’re the most serious Smurf I know! I HATE serious! Well, um, anyway. I need you to look after my house while I prepare my memoirs for publication. I need you to build a bench- pink is my favorite, of course! It’s the color all intellectuals use. I HATE intellectuals!
A pink bench! I’m pretty sure I stipulated BLUE. You said pink. No I’m pretty sure I said…hey Grouchy! Where are you going?
Oh boy! Today is one of my favorite days of the year- it’s Compliments Day! The day where every Smurf goes out of their way to say something nice to each other. I HATE Compliments Day! You know Grouchy, I like you, you’re very pragmatic. I HATE pragmatic!
You always tell us what you think! It’s great! And you never lie!
I HATE lying! Exactly why we like you so much!
Okay, I don’t like this any more than you do. Normally I work alone. Can I trust you with the secrets to my pranks? I HATE pranks! Hmm. How do you feel about Brainy Smurf? I HATE Brainy Smurf. Which do you hate more? Brainy Smurf. Okay, I think I have a job for you then. Send somebody for some supplies.
Hey Brainy, I’d like to make a voluntary donation towards the publication of your memoirs. Really? WOW! I always knew you had a heart, Grouchy! Beneath that tough exterior, you’re a saint.
BLAM! Hehehe. Will the persecution of my work never end?!
RUMBLE RUMBLE What’s that noise? Is it Gargamel?
It sounds like somebody’s stomach… It’s me, Papa Smurf… Oh dear. Well, don’t worry Grouchy, it happens to the best of us. Hmmph. Let’s plant some tomatoes and hopefully some soup will make your stomach feel better.
Are you feeling better, Grouchy? I HATE better! No wait, no I don’t.
Well Grouchy, it seems that no jobs in the village have been a..err..good fit. So you’ll help me in my lab. But Papa Smurf, I thought I was your apprentice! And you still are, Brainy. I just want to give Grouchy something to do.
Hmm…should I use the blue potion or the purple potion…which do you think, Brainy? Oh Papa Smurf, they’re both good. I’m sure whichever one you choose will work great.
I like that my little Smurfs are polite, but I need them to be open once in a while! I HATE polite! What do you think, Grouchy? I think…I think…you should use the purple potion. I HATE blue potions. They’re too hard to mix! Thank you Grouchy! A little honesty goes a long way! Hehe.
From here on in Grouchy Smurf, your job in the village is to be honest. Just tell it like it is. I HATE telling! That’s the spirit.
You know what I’ve realized, Grouchy? I don’t think you’ve ever celebrated your birthday. I HATE celebrating. I know, but every Smurf needs a birthday party!
Aren’t we all the same age? Shhh! I think Papa Smurf’s trying to cheer up Grouchy…
Let’s start by baking him a cherry cake!
What a wonderful cake! What do you think Grouchy? *munch munch* I HADE clakes! *munch munch*
Those wretched little Smurfs are always so happy. It’s disgusting! Mrrrowl! But maybe I can use it to my advantage…I wonder how the Smurfs would fair if I cast a cloud of discontent over their forest! Every good mood will be turned to bad! They’ll worry themselves sick! Ahahaha! Mrahaha!
Why did it get so dark all of a sudden? I don’t know…but I suddenly feel…like you’re annoying me! Well, YOU’RE annoying ME!
What on earth is going on? Stop it! Oh, I HATE it when my Smurfs fight! I can’t take this anymore! I’m going back in my lab! I HATE fighting! Come back! I HATE being the only one not acting weird! But what can I do? I don’t know what will break the spell!
Well don’t look at me! I’m tired of fixing all these problems! I can’t even get this red potion to mix! I HATE mixing! Me too! But if it’ll help, I’ll mix it for you.
Thank you! Hey, I’m not grouchy anymore… No, I am. Hehe. I guess the spell was broken by an act of kindness. You weren’t affected by the spell because you’re already…err… Grouchy? Yes.
Oh boo hoo! I’ll never be a REAL Smurf! I don’t even have a birthday… There, there, Smurfette. How about we throw you a birthday party? You’d do that for ME? Sure we would! We want you to feel like one of us! I think there are plenty of things we can do to make sure you have a happy time at your very first birthday party! Oooh! How smurfy! I want pretty flowers, and blueberries, I love blueberries! I would love it if I could have a blueberry cake!
Happy Birthday Smurfette! Smurfette?? Hello? Wait a minute! This isn’t the real Smurfette at all! She’s been replaced with a cheap copy! This looks like the work of Gargamel. We’d better send somebody after her. Once we get her back, I’m sure the copy of Smurfette will disappear.
Haha! I have you back, you little blue menace! My spell worked perfectly! Oh no! This is the worst birthday I’ve ever had! You let me go, you mean old wizard! Not until I’ve turned you back to your evil self! Now where’s that recipe book… It’s right there- behind you! Why thank you, my dear. And in just a moment I’ll…drat! Her disgusting little friends have helped her to escape! Oh thank you! My knight in Smurfy armor!
Hullo Smurfette, would you like to join me for dinner? I’d love to, Greedy!
But Smurfette, you said you’d come watch ME give a lecture on expert potion-mixing! Oh dear, I forgot! I can’t decide which one I want!
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! I’ve finally done it! I’ve created the perfect medicinal Smurf tea… Papa Smurf’s in his lab, and can’t be disturbed. Can I try your tea Brainy? It smells smurfy! Well, I was reserving the honor for Papa Smurf, but I suppose I can give you a tiny sip! Thanks! *slurp* Mmm…this tastes very …ZZZZZZ. Uh, Smurfette? *snore* Smurfette? Smurfette, wake up! Oh dear.
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! I created a tea, and now Smurfette’s fallen asleep and won’t wake up! She’s sleepwalking everywhere! Brainy…what did I tell you about doing potion experiments when I’m not around to help you? Uh…don’t do it? That’s right. Now, let’s fix up a blue potion and wake Smurfette up!
Oh my! That was quite a nap! What on earth was I doing? Hehe I think you were unwittingly advancing scientific research…
Oh boo hoo! I’m out of smurfing cream! My complexion just won’t be the same! But you’re beautiful just the way you are, Smurfette! Oh, but I like my skin to be soft. *sob* It’s part of my beauty regime! What exactly is in the cream, anyway? *sob* Cucumbers… Well, I’m sure we can fix you right up.
Oh thank you! I need to keep using it so I can set a good example for Smurfettes everywhere… But you’re the only…oh, nevermind. We all have our habits, hehe.
Ooooh, caterpillars are sooo cute! I wish there were more caterpillars around the village! Really? I think they’re kind of scary…I mean, they have all those extra legs, and they can probably run a lot faster than we can! Well, you know, the best way to conquer a fear is to face it! We should get a caterpillar for the village. Gee, I don’t know about that… Let’s do it!
Yay! A caterpillar! Aaah!! A caterpillar!! It’s okay, just give it a little pat.. O-oh k-kay… this isn’t so bad…
Why do I keep finding rocks with my name etched on them?? I mean, it’s smurfy that someone would smurf my name into a rock, but I just wish I knew who it was!
Faith and begorrah! Neither mine nor forest have allowed me to find another perfect rock to smurf my affection for Smurfette! I’m tired, can I go home now? Aye, go back and ask Papa Smurf for help! I’m surely at my wits’ end!
Oh, bless me heart, that’s the most beautiful rock I’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to be etching the name of the sweet Smurfette on it! Oh, it was you? Well, these rocks are the smurfiest, Miner Smurf. Nothin’ warms a miner’s heart like appreciation for his work!
Alright my little Smurfs, time for the annual Smurftastic spicy food cook-off! I don’t know why we keep having these- Greedy always wins!
Well, the food is tasty anyway!
This year’s contenders are Greedy Smurf and Timber Smurf! Greedy will be introducing a brand new salsa recipe, and Timber will be cooking up a traditional batch of lumberjack chili. Are the contestants ready? I’ve got my recipe handy, but I’ll need some ingredients first! This salsa calls for tomatoes. Alright, let’s plant some tomatoes.
Fantastic! I’m done with my salsa. Papa Smurf, would you like to do the honours? I’d love to! *slurp* This salsa is delicious, Greedy!
Alright, time to sample some of Timber Smurf’s mysterious Lumberjack Chili! *slurp* Mmm, tastes good. Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear… What’s wrong, Papa Smurf? I, um, need a drink of water…quick! Can somebody fetch a bucket?
So who wins the cook-off, Papa Smurf? Given the incredible amount of thought and…err…flavor…that went into each of these dishes, I pronounce it a tie!
Well, that’s Smurfy! It’s the favored recipe of lumberjacks everywhere! Good to see other Smurfs enjoying the culinary arts. Would you like a bowl of chili, Greedy? I’d love some! Just as soon as I borrow that bucket, hehe.
It’s awfully nice of you to help me clean my lab, Brainy. Oh, it’s my pleasure Papa Smurf! After all, I AM your one and only apprentice! Hey, what’s this thing Papa Smurf? Oooh, that’s a lantern. Many years ago, when you were all just smurflings, we used to have an annual Firefly Festival. Each lantern we hung, we made a wish. We should have another one! That’s a wonderful idea, Brainy! That’s why I’m your apprentice!
Handy, can you make us some lanterns? I sure can! I remember the lantern festival. I think I even remember the song- Lanterns green and pink and blue, I hang for wishes old and new. A friendly wish, left burning bright, is answered by the morning’s light! Bravo! Let’s get some lanterns for the Firefly Festival.
Those are the Smurfiest lanterns I’ve seen in a long time! What are you wishing for, Papa Smurf? Hehe. I’m not supposed to tell, or it won’t come true! I guess I’ll find out if it does…
Hmm, I’m running low on potion ingredients- I need two brave Smurfs to go into the forest and gather some for me.
Great news Papa Smurf! We found your old snail Kevin! He’s none the worse for wear though… Oh thank Smurfs he’s okay! But like me, he’s getting up there in years. I’d best keep him in my lab from now on. Your lantern wish came true Papa Smurf? Ah yes, it did indeed. Wishes don’t always come true, but when they do, it’s lovely isn’t it?
Hey everybody! I found Smurfette! I’m back for a while, isn’t that smurfy? But I’ll only be visiting until just after Valentine’s Day!
Hehe. You always were an independent Smurf, Smurfette. There’s just so many smurfy things to see in the forest, Papa Smurf! Well, you’ll always have a home here.
I’m nearly plumb fresh out of wood! Oh, this is mighty depressing. You there! Who? Me?? Yes you. With the white hat. Could you help out a fellow woodsman and get me some more fresh logs? I don’t think there are any left…Brainy used the last of them to light his pottery kiln!
Here now, my little Smurfs. You need to be careful about all of this wood you’re using- you should only be burning it for practical purposes! You mean I can’t use it for drying my laundry when I’m in a hurry? NO!! Now, we need to help Timber gather some more wood, so he can do his job.
I just heard that the Queen lost her favorite necklace- isn’t that terrible? It was in the royal family for years! Faith and begorrah! The precious Queen is dear to my Smurfy heart. If only there was something we could do!
Hey Miner, I think your rocks are so pretty, I brought you a surprise! Oh, bless your mischievous heart! Thank you! It’s not often my work is appreciated! It’ll rock your socks off! BLAM! Ahaha! See ya!
Oh that Jokey Smurf, his head is as hard as the rocks in me pile! Well, the best cure for frustration is physical labor! *WHAM* Oh my! Some ‘o these rocks have gems inside! I’d better tell Papa Smurf!
Splendid! We can gather some of these for the Queen!
*BONK* Oww! I HATE random falling objects! Whoops! It looks like some Smurfs have been going off the paths and loosening the fences in the process. I HATE going off! Hmm… Now that we’re here to stay, we could use something a little bit more permanent.
Who knew that Smurfs were so determined to walk in random directions? I did, Papa Smurf! Well, let’s see if we can put up some stone walls and maybe guide my little Smurfs onto more pre-determined routes.
Papa Smurf, I’ve been crunching the numbers, and I don’t think we’re going to have enough space to grow the number of crops we need. I know, Brainy. I’ve noticed that myself. We’re going to have to expand. But how? How about you and Handy go out and scout around? You can count on me, Papa Smurf!
I think we should go East. Well, my Smurfy sense of direction tells me we should go West. Well, let’s both go in either direction, and see what we find! A supremely intellectual plan!
Hey, I found a cliff! Of course you did, I knew that was over there! There’s land on top of the cliff…we just need to build something to get us up there. What we need is an escalating pile of stone blocks to get us from the bottom of the cliff, to the top. You mean stairs? Why must you bother me with your trivial Smurfantics?!
I miss my old woodpile- so full of woodland animals! These logs haven’t been here long enough to have any creatures living around them. But Timber Smurf, wouldn’t the incessant chattering and chirping drive you mad at night? I know I require absolute silence, or I simply cannot ponder the philosophies of Smurfkind! The sounds of the forest are Smurfy to my ears, Brainy.
Well Timber, you’ve done so much for the village, that I think you should get what you need to be happy. Let’s get Timber a squirrel!
It sure is nice to smurf in the sun for a while, isn’t it? It is! I could fall asleep right here.
What are you doing? There’s work to be done! Things to be built! A village to be maintained! Oh come on now, Brainy! We just finished a full day of farming. Can’t we just smurf our feet for a little while? Papa Smurf always says “Smurfy is as Smurfy does.” You don’t see ME sitting around watching the grass smurf, do you? Well actually, we’ve seen you do THAT lots of times. That’s beside the point! If you ask me…
Brainy, these little Smurfs have earned a break. If you ask me (and you usually do) we should add more things for my hardworking little Smurfs to sit on, to rest awhile.
Hey look! Papa Smurf’s back from the forest! Hiya Papa Smurf! !em no lleps a tsac lemagraG !pleH
What did he say? I don’t know! It sounds like he’s speaking some ancient Smurf language!
!kciuQ !seirrebpsaR cigaM emos tnalP I think he’s trying to tell us something! But what?
Drat! My roof is leaking again! Mrrowwl. I need SOME way to get some gold, or I’ll never be able to get the materials I need to fix this blasted roof! Mrrow? I’ll bet those Smurfs have some way to get gold. Azrael! Go explore the forest until you stumble across a Smurf, and then bring him back here!
Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! Gargamel’s kidnapped a Smurf! And he left this note! Oh dear! What does the note say…let’s see…”Deer Smrfs…get gowld or loose smurf. Gargamel.” Oh my. It seems that he wants a ransom! But we don’t have much gold!
I have an idea! What is it, Greedy? How about we plant some Golden Potatoes, and give those to Gargamel? That’s sure to trick him long enough for us to rescue our fellow Smurf! Great idea! Let’s plant some Golden Potatoes.
Aha! The little blue pests have delivered the ransom! Look at the size of these gold nuggets! No more being rained on for this wizard! *munch munch* What are you doing, Azrael!? Drat! These aren’t real gold at all, they’re a starchy tuber! Gah!
Hehe. That’ll teach Gargamel to solve his problems with kidnapping. Thankfully, we got our Smurf back, safe and sound.
Oww! I HATE thorns… Come back here, Grouchy. I need you to sit still so I can pull it out!
What seems to be the commotion? Grouchy’s got a thorn in his finger. I can pull it out, but…
I HATE pulling! You get the idea.
Grouchy, how about I distract you with a word game? Listen carefully. Silly squirrel likes barrels, but not buckets. Silly Squirrel likes wood, but not rock. Silly Squirrel likes fall, but not winter. So here’s my question: which does Silly Squirrel like- flowers or grass? Uhhh…
Grass was the correct answer. Did you figure it out? I didn’t, but I got the thorn out!
I’m going to think about it for a while longer…
Papa Smurf, I HATE this word game! I still don’t get it! Grouchy! I never thought you were so interested in word puzzles. Here are some more clues: Silly Squirrel likes trees, but not the forest. Silly Squirrel likes pools, but not water. Silly Squirrel likes carrots, but not corn. Hmm… Does Silly Squirrel like snails, or butterflies? I HATE it when I don’t know the answer…
Butterfly was the correct answer! Did you figure it out, Grouchy? It’s things with double letters, Papa Smurf! Correct! I LIKE word games!
Papa Smurf! I don’t think Brainy can help me with my work anymore- he keeps hitting my hand with the hammer! Can I help it if I’m not made for manual labor? With all the smurfing of new buildings going on around here though, I need extra pairs of hands.
Hehe. Brainy, I think maybe you ought to retire from construction. I’ll ask Grouchy to lend a hand instead. Grouchy? Well…okay, if you say so, Papa Smurf.
Okay Grouchy, I hold the pegs and you pound them in. Got it? Yes. Don’t hit my hand, okay? I HATE hitting hands! Me too! Let’s get to work!
Great work, Grouchy! And I didn’t get any bruises! I HATE bruises. Me too!
Achoo! ACHOOO! I HATE sneezing! Do you have a cold, Grouchy? Are you sick again? No. The flowers make me sneeze, Papa Smurf. My, my. Do you maybe have allergies, Grouchy? I guess having all of these beautiful flowers around isn’t always so smurfy. What should I do, Papa Smurf? I’m not sure, Grouchy. I think you’re the first Smurf that’s ever had allergies! I HATE being the first!
Hey Papa Smurf, I think the Magic Blueberries cure things like that! I know they help me when I’m feeling a little stuffed up. Brilliant, Greedy!
I HATE being hot! Let’s go swimming! Oh I can’t, I’m much too busy. With what? With…penning my new book- “The Life and Times of Brainy Smurf!” I HATE books! Let’s swim in the river! But it’s deep…and fast…and COLD.
Brainy, are you afraid of the river? Me? I’M not afraid! I just think it’s a bit risky to be swimming in such a swift current. I fear for my fellow Smurfs!
I HATE fearing! Let’s put in a pond! Heh. Maybe we SHOULD put in a pond- that way, my err, less adventurous Smurfs will have a place to swim.
Finally! The soothing cool of a nice swim!
Oww! Why’d you slap me? Sorry about that, I was aiming for a mosquito. Ya, there’s mosquitoes everywhere! Brainy said he’d invent something to get rid of them!
Papa Smurf always says “He helps Smurfs who help themselves.” I’ve just been far too busy to worry about something as trivial as an insect problem! But I’m so itchy, I’m going to scratch clear through my hat!
Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf! Boy, you sure are RED. Well, redder than usual, I mean… Hehe. I take it you’re here about the mosquito problem? I’m already working on a bug repellant, but I can’t seem to get the mixture right!
I have an idea, Papa Smurf. What is it, Grouchy? I HATE mosquitoes! What if we get a frog? Frogs eat mosquitoes. That’s brilliant, Grouchy! I’d bet a frog would be right at home in this village.
Whew! That’s a relief. And you deserve all the credit, Grouchy! I HATE taking credit!
Let’s start by making a garden so that we can grow some food. Once you’ve shown the Smurfs where it should go, one will begin to build it.
Touch the build button in the bottom right, and select the Garden.
Thank you for your help! As long as there are Smurfs available to help, we can use gardens to grow crops and help the village.
Now that we’ve got a garden, ask a Smurf to plant blueberries. A Smurf will plant them and tend to them as they grow.
Touch the garden, and choose blueberries from the menu.
What nice blueberries! You may have noticed that a Smurf needs to tend to a crop while it grows; you’ll need an available Smurf for each growing garden to work.
When crops like your blueberries are done growing, you’ll need to harvest them. Don’t wait too long once they’re ready, or they’ll spoil.
Touch the blueberries to harvest them.
Delicious! Keep growing tasty food like this and our village will be bustling with Smurfs in no time.
Now that we’ve got food, we’ll need to start building new houses so that more Smurfs can join the village.
Touch the build menu, and choose the mushroom house.
That’s a good start. Like growing crops, houses take time to build. But we’ve got a special trick: Smurfberries!
Smurfs love Smurfberries, and if you give one to a working Smurf, their work will be done in no time.
Touch the house that’s being built, and then choose Use Smurfberries.
Goodness, Smurfs work quickly with a little Smurfberry motivation! Smurfberries are valuable and very useful for getting things done.
It’ll take a lot of hard Smurfing to hide this village from Gargamel. Let’s start by camouflaging it with some nice tall grass.
Choose grass from the build menu and place three anywhere in the village.
Excellent! That should help keep the village hidden for now.
My lab is ready! I could use some help mixing some potions. Don’t worry; you’ll only be helping me with harmless (tasty) ones for now.
Touch Papa Smurf’s House to play the Potion Mixing Game.
Thank you for your help. You can come back to my lab whenever you wish to practice, but I’ll need to clean up the lab for a while after you’ve made a potion.
just learned how to mix potions in Papa Smurf’s lab!
mixed a potion using the potion mixing mini-game. This potion gives an XP bonus.
Jokey must be nearby! We must send a Smurf out into the forest to find him and bring him back.
Touch OK to send a Smurf into the forest.
You found him! It will be nice to have Jokey in the village to lift our spirits.
found Jokey Smurf in the forest.
Jokey Smurf will have a daily gift available!
Jokey Smurf is around here somewhere, and I’m sure he’s got something for you.
Find Jokey Smurf (he’s got a yellow gift box) and touch him for a daily gift.
Once a day you can find Jokey in the village and see what he has in his gift box for you.
Having some baked treats would certainly lift the Smurfs’ spirits. Could you help build Greedy a bakery?
Choose the Bakery from the build menu and build it in the village.
I can smell the fresh baked goods already! Thank you!
just completed Greedy Smurf’s bakery in Smurfs’ Village!
Greedy Smurf’s mini-game offers tasty bonus items such as cookies, cakes and cupcakes!
We need more Smurfs to help build the village. Start building another house so that they have a place to live.
Touch the build menu, and choose the mushroom house.
Excellent! We can always use more helping hands.
It’s a big forest, and there may be other villages. Touch the map button to visit other Smurf villages and trade gifts with your friends.
Touch the map button in the bottom left.
It’s always nice to have friends around to help! You can give a free gift to your friends once a day.
We need to start building a small bridge over that river on the right. There’s a small spot where it narrows that should make it easier.
Place a small bridge at the narrow spot on the river to the right.
Great start! Once the bridge is finished we’ll be able to expand the village across the river.
just started to build a bridge to expand their Smurf village.
will soon have even more space for crops and buildings in their Smurf village
We need to send a Smurf into the forest to keep an eye out for Gargamel or Azrael.
Send one Smurf into the forest for 1 hour.
There was no sign of Gargamel, thankfully. We’ll need to keep an eye out, though.
First we’ll need to harvest plenty of strawberries for those cupcakes. Please task a Smurf with growing strawberries.
Grow and harvest strawberries.
Good work! Now we can bake these strawberries into a special treat for Gargamel.
It’s time to get baking. Go to Greedy’s Bakery and bake some Strawberry Cupcakes!
Touch Greedy’s Bakery and play the Strawberry Cupcakes baking game
Gargamel won’t be able to resist these tasty cupcakes, and this forgetfulness spell should keep him off our tails for a while!
just tricked Gargamel into eating some strawberry cupcakes!
Poor Gargamel! The strawberries have made him forgetful, so he won’t be bothering the Smurfs for a while!
Now that Timber Smurf is back, if we make him a mill he can help build the village.
Choose Timber Smurf’s green mill from the build menu, and build it in the village.
Nice work! Thank you for your help – if you ever want more to do, come see me for extra tasks!
just completed Timber Smurf’s timber mill!
Timber’s mill offers Smurfy daily coin bonuses.
Let’s grow some carrots for those poor rabbits.
Grow and harvest carrots.
Mission accomplished! These carrots will keep the baby rabbits alive until they find their mother.
just saved a family of baby bunnies with crops of carrots.
grew some carrots for some lost baby bunnies and kept them fed until they could find their mother.
It will be great having Handy Smurf help out around the village, but he needs a suitable workshop.
Choose Handy’s blue workshop from the build menu and build it in the village
Great! Now the houses can be upgraded to hold even more Smurfs!
just completed Handy Smurf’s workshop!
can now upgrade all their Smurf houses to hold even more Smurfs.
Let’s gather some wood for Timber Smurf.
Place some logs or a woodpile near Timber’s hut for extra xp. Touch his hut to see which logs are affected.
Good work! That should hold us for a while.
We should build some fences to keep animals from eating our crops and flowers.
Build five (5) wood fences from the build menu
Those are nice looking fences! They should definitely do the trick.
has built some fences to keep the animals away from the Smurfs’ crops and flowers.
Some woodland creatures have been disturbing the crops and the gardens, but these handy fences should keep them out.
We should move some buildings to give everyone some breathing space.
Select “Move” in the build menu and move a building.
Perfect! A comfortable Smurf is a happy Smurf.
just used the redesign function in Smurfs’ Village!
moved some buildings around in their village to keep things organized.
We should clear out some paths so that the Smurfs stay out of the gardens.
Place three (3) path segments in the village
That should help. Thank you!
just laid down some handy looking paths for their village.
Paths help Smurfs find their way, and make the village look beautiful, too.
We should upgrade a house or two to make room for new Smurfs.
Select a house, and then select “Upgrade.”
Nice work! That should be a more economical use of space.
just upgraded a house using Handy Smurf!
After building Handy Smurf’s house, all Smurf houses can be upgraded, adding a new Smurf for each upgrade.
We need to build a mine for Miner Smurf.
Choose Miner’s Mine from the build menu and build it in the village.
Good job! Visit Miner Smurf’s mine once a day for extra gold.
just completed Miner Smurf’s mine in Smurfs’ Village!
Miner Smurf’s mine offers Smurfy daily coin bonuses.
Let’s get some rocks for Miner Smurf.
Place some rocks near Miner Smurf’s mine to collect some extra xp. Touch the mine to see which rocks are affected.
Good job! Now Miner has plenty of rocks to work with.
Now let’s break some rocks and find some gems!
Play Miner’s Mini-Game.
Great job! I think the Queen will be overjoyed with her new gems!
We should send a Smurf to spy on Gargamel and find out what he’s up to.
Send a Smurf to go spy on Gargamel for one day.
Well, that’s a relief. Hehe I guess Gargamel underestimated the power of Smurfy thinking.
just tricked Gargamel into giving away his magic hat.
Gargamel wanted to think like a Smurf so he could find their village- but it backfired.
We should test our farming abilities by growing 30 artichoke crops.
Grow and harvest 30 artichoke crops.
Excellent! Now we just need to eat all these artichokes!
just harvested a whole bunch of artichokes.
Smurftastic! The village is growing fast!
We should task Smurfs with growing crops of peas so we can do something about this flu.
Grow and harvest 10 crops of peas.
Thanks! I can smell my favorite foods again!
just narrowly averted a case of the Smurf flu with a piping hot bowl of pea soup.
grew some peas to make pea soup for all the little Smurfs in the village who are sick with the Smurf flu.
We need to plant some flowers to encourage peace in the village.
Add a Flower Box (they are like gardens – they need Smurfs to tend them).
What a nice Flower Box! Now we just need to plant some flowers in it.
Let’s plant flowers in that new Flower Box – plant them just like crops!
Plant a flower in the Flower Box by tapping it.
That will be a beautiful flower garden! It’s the perfect peace offering.
just planted some pretty flowers to keep peace in their Smurf Village.
Even Smurfs need to be reminded to get along, sometimes.
We need to mix a blue potion for Azrael to put him to sleep.
Successfully mix the blue potion in the potion game.
I’m glad that’s over with- Azrael will be none the wiser!
safely got Azrael away from their village after he was trapped by a tree.
put Azrael to sleep with an expertly mixed blue potion in Smurfs’ Village and safely transported him away from the village.
Greedy needs a blueberry cake for his mysterious order.
Bake a blueberry cake using Greedy’s mini-game.
That cake looks tasty – I wonder who it’s for?
baked a blueberry cake for Greedy’s mysterious customer.
That cake looks tasty – I wonder who it’s for?
We all miss Grouchy! Let’s send two Smurfs to go find him.
Send two Smurfs into the forest for a day.
Good to see Grouchy back safe and sound!
We should task Smurfs with growing tomatoes so we can get rid of the skunk smell.
Grow and harvest 30 crops of tomatoes.
Thank Smurfs that’s over with! I’m glad my little Smurfs are back to normal.
has helped a group of Smurfs who’ve been sprayed by a skunk.
grew some tomatoes to make tomato juice and help the Smurfs get rid of the skunk stench.
We need to build a large bridge across the other river to expand.
Place the large bridge from the build menu.
Thank you. Soon we can expand our village even further.
just started building another, larger, bridge in their village.
Soon will have even more space to expand their village.
Let’s send two Smurfs to find some ingredients for my spell.
Send two (2) Smurfs for one day to bring back an ingredient for Papa Smurf.
Thank you, my little Smurfs. I’ll have to start hiding my spice rack, so hungry Smurfs won’t steal my ingredients.
has bravely explored the forest to help Papa Smurf find ingredients for his potions.
After Greedy Smurf swiped some nutmeg for his baking, two Smurfs went into the forest and brought back some replacement ingredients for Papa Smurf.
Greedy needs a strawberry cake for his mysterious order.
Bake a strawberry cake using Greedy’s mini-game.
Yet another cake? What a delicious mystery.
has just baked a strawberry cake for another mysterious customer.
Will another Smurf get smurfed in their sleep?
Let’s plant some blackcurrant, and hopefully Brainy will get Jokey’s punchline.
Grow and harvest some blackcurrant.
Thanks! It never hertz to have some blackcurrant once in a while, hehe.
just harvested some blackcurrant!
It never hertz to have some currant.
Greedy needs a cherry cake for his mysterious order.
Bake a cherry cake using Greedy’s mini-game.
Another delicious cake! I hope none of the Smurfs lose any sleep…
has just baked a cherry cake for another mysterious order in Greedy’s bakery.
The midnight cake-throwing continues! I wonder who the culprit is?
Let’s plant some artichokes for Greedy’s recipe.
Grow and harvest some artichokes.
Splendid! I hope the King will be pleased.
just harvested some artichokes!
has grown some artichokes to make a tasty dish for the King’s coronation!
Let’s send one Smurf to deliver a package to Gargamel.
Send one Smurf to Gargamel’s for one hour.
Good work! Now we can keep tabs on Gargamel.
just sent a package to Gargamel.
Now the Smurfs can keep tabs on Gargamel’s plans, using a magic stone.
Let’s mix a purple potion for Brainy.
Mix a purple potion.
Good. Experience is the smurfiest teacher, you know!
just mixed a purple potion.
mixed a purple potion for Brainy Smurf using the potion-mixing game.
Let’s plant some pumpkins to play a trick on Gargamel.
Grow and harvest some pumpkins.
That’ll teach Gargamel to steal our crops.
just harvested some pumpkins to play a trick on Gargamel.
Gargamel tried to steal the Smurfs’ crops and now his cauldron has exploded.
Let’s plant some brussels sprouts so your fellow Smurfs will feel better.
Grow and harvest some brussels sprouts.
What a relief! This should fix him right up!
just harvested some Brussels sprouts!
grew some Brussels sprouts for some fellow Smurfs who weren’t feeling too well.
Let’s build some stone walls to guide the Smurfs.
Add 3 segments of stone wall to the village.
Thank goodness. We can prevent further injuries!
We should add a lamp post so Smurfs can see in the dark.
Place a lamp post in the village.
Wonderful! This will make our village cozy, even at night.
just added a lamp post to their village!
Now the Smurfs can see their way around the village in the dark.
We need a Smurf who wasn’t affected by the dust so they can make a potion.
Upgrade or build a house to add a new Smurf.
Thank goodness, a Smurf who wasn’t here when this drowsy dust arrived!
Help mix a purple potion to counteract the dust.
Mix a purple potion in Papa Smurf’s lab
Oh thank Smurfs! We’re finally back to our awake, alert selves again!
used a new Smurf to mix a purple potion and break Gargamel’s spell.
The Smurfs have been saved from a spell of perpetual drowsiness.
I may seem tough, I may seem dry, but beneath the surface I make you cry. What am I? (Hint: It’s a crop)
Plant the crop mentioned in the riddle.
Correct! Onions was the correct answer! One down, two to go!
just answered Papa Smurf’s first riddle!
has answered the first riddle to help Papa Smurf with his new cloaking spell.
Let’s mix a blue potion to help with the cloaking spell.
Mix a blue potion.
Thanks! This will help my spell along.
just mixed a blue potion to help with Papa Smurf’s spell.
Papa Smurf will need all the help he can get for his cloaking spell.
Start building some stairs up the cliff, so we can expand the village!
Choose the stairs from the build menu and place them next to the cliff.
Soon we’ll have more room for our Smurfy-looking crops and houses!
This is a room that has no floor, no walls, no windows, and also no door. What is it?
Place the item mentioned in the riddle.
That was a tough one! “Mushroom”.. I never would have thought of it myself, hehe.
just answered Papa Smurf’s second riddle!
has answered the second riddle to help Papa Smurf with his new cloaking spell.
Let’s plant some carrots so the Smurfs can see better.
Grow and harvest some carrots.
Good job! Now the Smurfs can see the beautiful world around them.
just improved the Smurfs’ eyesight with some tasty carrots.
Now the Smurfs can easily spot Unidentifiable Flying Wizards.
Many foods can make me strong, but give me water and I won’t live long. What am I?
Place the item mentioned in the riddle.
A fire! Well now, who knew I had such clever Smurfs?
just answered Papa Smurf’s third riddle!
has answered the third and final riddle to help Papa Smurf with his new cloaking spell. Now the village is safe once again!
Hehe, my little Smurfs have much to learn. Looks like they need help figuring out what “maize” is. It is indeed one of our crops. Do you know which one?
Grow and harvest maize.
Correct! “Maize” is another word for “corn.”
made an a-MAIZ-ing discovery in Smurfs’ Village…
correctly identified the mystery crop known as “maize.”
Let’s buy a pet snail for the village.
Buy a snail.
Thank you so much! I’m very fond of snails.
just bought a snail for Papa Smurf!
purchased an adorable pet snail for Papa Smurf and the village.
Let’s plant 100 crops of blueberries so Greedy can create his sculpture. Good thing blueberries grow fast, hehe.
Grow and harvest 100 crops of blueberries.
Fantastic! Greedy’s going to get right to work on his sculpture- I’m sure it’ll take a while!
just harvested a whopping 100 crops of blueberries!
harvested some blueberry crops so Greedy could make a sculpture.
Send 1 Smurf out of the village for 3 hours to deliver the sculpture to the palace.
Send one Smurf out of the village for three hours.
The King should have Greedy’s unique blueberry sculpture by now… I hope there wasn’t any trouble delivering it.
has sent a brave Smurf out of the village for three hours.
sent a Smurf to deliver Greedy’s blueberry sculpture.
Let’s take a photo of the village.
Tap the camera icon in the build menu, and then tap it again when you’ve framed the perfect photo!
Wonderful! Now we have a record of our thriving village!
took a photo of their village!
used Handy Smurf’s magic picture box to capture an image of the village.
Let’s give Brainy a butterfly.
Buy a butterfly.
Good job! It may or may not bring good luck, but it sure is lovely to look at, isn’t it?
now has a butterfly in their Smurf village.
To the Smurfs, butterflies can be considered good luck.
Let’s plant a crop of tomatoes for Greedy’s salsa.
Plant tomatoes.
Thanks! I can’t wait to taste Greedy’s salsa!
just harvested some tomatoes for Greedy’s Salsa.
Greedy Smurf hopes to win the spicy food cook-off! rid of the skunk stench.
I’ll need a bucket so I can get some water before my mouth catches fire!
Buy a bucket.
Thank Smurfs! I thought I was never going to feel my tongue again!
Let’s get some lanterns for the Firefly Festival.
Buy lanterns.
Those are the Smurfiest lanterns I’ve seen in a long time!
just bought some lanterns for the Smurfs’ Firefly Festival!
Smurfs use these pretty lanterns to make wishes.
I need two brave Smurfs to go into the forest and gather ingredients.
Send two Smurfs into the forest for 48 hours.
Good work! Now I can make more potions.
Let’s get Timber a squirrel!
Buy a squirrel’s log and place it next to Timber Smurf’s Mill.
Now Timber Smurf has some animal friends in his lumber yard.
Let’s add something for the Smurfs to rest on.
Place a stool or a picnic blanket in the village.
Splendid! I want my Smurfs to enjoy themselves!
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Whew! It’s a good thing my Smurfs are so clever!
Let’s plant 20 crops of Golden Potatoes.
Plant 20 crops of Golden Potatoes.
Hehe. That’ll teach Gargamel to solve his problems with kidnapping. Thankfully, we got our Smurf back, safe and sound.