Honey: a sticky situation

May 26 2011    

At the insect fair I bought some honey.
Really good honey, thats hard to get.
So I got a lot when I had the chance.
12+ pounds of it.
Turnes out to be hard to handle.

Chaparral Mountain Honey Company

I tried to pour it into some smaller containers and the first drip was about 2 inches across.
It was hard to tame even with a funnel.

I also have a lot of mint, so tried to combine forces.
I picked as much as I could until it got ridiculous, and cleaned it all.
Put it in jars with the honey, (and one jar with everclear, for good mesure).
Hope I didn’t just ruin an bunch of good honey and mint!
fresh mint leaves in honey

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May 25 2011    

I thought it would be good to take some nice pictures of the cupcakes at the cupcake party.
I thought “maybe on black would be nice”.
Then I got carried away.

2 responses

Ojai Party Vision

May 24 2011    

Ross and Terri celebrate their 20th anniversary with a weekend long party jam.
Beautiful Oak woodlands provided by Dave.




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Spraying Paintings

May 23 2011    

Some spray paintings for an informal Yo Gabba art show that we had at end of season 2.

Making them…

Paintings fully installed.

What will the next show bring?
We’ll see in a couple weeks!
Julia Vickerman organized an art show!
Organized by Julia Vickermanposter


Butterfly collecting

May 16 2011    

mounted in boxes

I was going to title this post “butterflies” but then I realized that some butterfly lovers would be sadly shocked to encounter all these beauties dried on pins in white boxes. When they are juicy and lilting through the forests its really much more exciting. But, we cant see that at home.

I purchased these specimens for my dad at the Bug Fair. He wanted an atlas moth and a birdwing butterfly, but it turns out that birdwings are pretty endangered and cost over $250. So I picked up the Atlas moth and a whole lot of other beautiful ones that were $5-$35.

When I was a child, my dad helped me build a killing jar for butterflies and other insects. Its a mayonaise jar with a cotton ball in it soaked in fingernail polish remover (acetone). You put the butterfly in there and it dies pretty much immediately, and it doesn’t get damaged. The alternative is pinching their thorax in just the right place, but thats a little tricky sometimes and leaves them dented.

I became very familiar with all kinds of insects through my observations with net and jar. Im very respectful of them now and try to help them out. I think the killing jar led me to help preserve many more than I caught. It worked for me. Maybe not for everyone but it worked for me.

Altacus Atlas


3D blinkers from the garden

May 14 2011    

I just recieved this new Loreo 3D Macro Lens in a Cap and it works great!
Well, pretty good, way better than not having it.
Its a soft plastic toy of a lens but it really works.
I grabbed a couple toys next to my desk and went into the garden to try it out.

Loreo 3D macro lens

The edge of Clover Forest

Loreo 3D macro lens

Mint Fly

Loreo 3D macro lens

Peaceable Kingdom

Loreo 3D macro lens

Suddenly struck by a childhood memory

Loreo 3D macro lens

Rose perch

Loreo 3D macro lens

In the forest

Loreo 3D macro lens

Later, in the forest

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Laser pointer cat – now in color

May 10 2011    

Still trying to lure the stray cast out with the laser pointer.
This one was really skittish for some reason.
I set up the camera and directed from second story window.
Didn’t have long before cat skidaddled.

laser pointer dance

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Graphics world.

May 09 2011    

Poor indication of intensions from client required revisions-
Wrong, and right.

Screenshots from current projects:
After effects

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